Because the world just needs more Ron Swanson.
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The key to burning an ex-wife effigy is to dip it in paraffin wax and then toss the flaming bottle of isopropyl alcohol from a safe distance. Do not stand too close when you light an ex-wife effigy.
Go on, just 1 episode while you're here.
Ron & Dianne
As Ron accepts a woodworking award, Diane feels threatened by another woman in his life. Jerry shows off his beautiful family at a Christmas party.
Operation Ann
Leslie decides she needs to find Ann a new man. Ben must enlist Ron's help when he is stumped by Leslie's elaborate Valentine's Day scavenger hunt.
Ron & Tammy: Part II
Tom tries to get back at Ron by going out on a date with Ron's ex-wife, Tammy, while Leslie tries to protect Ron from falling prey to her charms.
Li'l Sebastian
Leslie and the parks team put together a memorial service for a dearly departed friend. Meanwhile, Tom makes a big life decision.
Ron and Tammy
Leslie learns that the library department wants to take over her lot. The library is run by Ron's ex-wife, who still has an emotional hold on him.
Woman of the Year
Leslie is outraged when Ron wins a "Woman of the Year" award for a project she started. Tom tries to find some money to invest in a local nightclub.